To Hell and Back MTB Stage Race 2018 – Peter Kirk Photo Story
It’s a hell of an adventure cranking over the Swartberg Pass into a place where few have ever ventured!

Cranking up Swartberg Pass on Day 1
And even fewer on their bicycle going like a bat out of hell for leather for the Spur Steak Ranches lunch stop and now famous Darling Brew pitstop just before ‘Heartbreak Hill’ and the insane descent into ‘Die Hell’, Which I believe was named so because there is no cell-phone signal! Anywhere. And it is a hell of a thing too, because you get to talk to your mates over a cold one, braai, and listen to Tony Cook sing the blues, somewhat unplugged. If he can play the guitar that well, I’m sure he can do this event backwards on a pogo-stick! #skoi style

#SunGazer’s all round!
The following day, after a peaceful night’s rest, coffee and breakfast, you are rudely greeted with an imposing climb out of Die Hell, but fear not as Darling Brew has lined up a tub of ice cold ‘Sun Gazers’ to help you over ‘Die Top’ of Swartberg Pass and the long winding descent into the finish at De Hoek.
I believe the Flat Earth Society refused to endorce this event once they studied the profile.

Spur People… A Taste for Life
Thanks to Zane Schmahl and his awesome team from EcoBound Mountain Events for another superb ‘To Hell and Back’.

The #HellMugs for 2018

The infamous #HeartbreakHill
For all Pete’s photos click here
The To Hell and Back MTB Stage Race 2019 will take place on 16 & 17 November 2019 and entries will open on 3 June 2019 at 08:00am
Top Results:
Stage two
1. Siemon Joubert 3:01:14
2. Liam Somers 3:03:37
3. Francois Bosman 3:03:38
4. Bobby Behan 3:03:50
5. Lurich Smith 3:09:36
1. Ischen Stopforth 3:24:24
2. Talita Botha 3:46:57
3. Michelle Scowby 3:47:55
4. Yolande van Heerden 3:52:09
5. Danika Scheepers 3:56:17
General classification
1. Bobby Behan 5:47:57
2. Francois Bosman 5:49:26
3. Liam Somers 5:52:37
4. Siemon Joubert 5:54:04
5. Lurich Smith 6:04:56
1. Ischen Stopforth 6:28:58
2. Talita Botha 7:17:42
3. Michelle Scowby 7:18:42
4. Danika Scheepers 7:31:13
5. Christina du Plessis Kanmeyer 7:34:03